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高校生相当レベル宛 英文手紙サンプル
(M) (d), yyyy

Dear Friend,

 It gives me great pleasure to send you this letter of request for your cooperation on a certain matter But before I go into details, may I send you herewith my hearty greetings from Tokyo, Japan.
 (下線は、Osaka, Japan、Sendai, Japan 等に多様化します)

 There is an NGO (Non-Governmental Organization) in Japan called "The Blue Star of Life(TBSL)". For full details, may I ask you to refer to the enclosed leaflet?

 I am expecting you to pick up two small pebbles and send them to me with a brief explanation of their origin, meaning or historical background, if any. As soon as I receive your letter with two pebbles, I will pass them on to the TBSL Organizing Committee.

 After that we may become good pen pals and talk about peace in the world, activities to protect and preserve environment and, who knows, encourage each other to contribute to world campaign for the friendship and cooperation through the United Nations Organization.

 May I count upon your cooperation in our attempt at pebbles collection?

Truly yours,

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