Project to Mark the 65th Anniversary
of the Foundation of the United Nations

on October 25th 2010 (confirmed)

A Special Ceremony Featuring Statements by Students and Ambassadors in the World
“For Eternal World Peace and Environmental Conservation EBR>

October, 2010

 The project to commemorate the 50th Anniversary of the Foundation of the United Nations Organization started in October, 1995. A globe-shaped porcelain vase named “The Blue Star of Life Ewas donated to the European Headquarters of the United Nations, viz. Palais des Nations in Geneva, which is still placed in the lobby adjacent to the room once used for the meeting of the Conference on Disarmament.

 The porcelain globe "The Blue Star of Life" (hereinafter referred to as TBSL) contains a collection of pebbles from around the world. Since stone in Japanese is “ishi E phonetically the same as “will Ein Japanese, these pebbles symbolize “will Eof the world to seek peace and conserve environment.

 Commemorating the 65th Anniversary of the Foundation of the United Nations in October 2010, the organizing committee of TBSL proposes to hold the follow-up ceremony so that a younger generation can show their “will Eto the world.

The upcoming ceremony is an international exchange event where eight student representatives from East Asia and South East Asia will make statements.

◁EIn this project, student members of the organizing committee will share a mission to collect the pebbles from their respective countries.

◁EIn the course of ceremony, about eight student representatives chosen by the committee among the countries in East Asia ,South-East Asia and U.S. will deliver speeches in front of the globe to renew vows and pleas about international peace and environmental protection. We are sure that their strong message will be sent out from the United Nations to every corner of the world and will help people realize the importance of “World Peace Eand “Conservation of Environment on Earth Eagain. We also expect the project to further deepen mutual understanding and international friendship in the world.

We sincerely hope that you will understand the significance of the above mission and find it worthy of your support.


The Blue Star of Life Committee

EPEC (The Organizing Committee of Statements on Eternal World Peace and Environmental Conservation)

 101-0031 Tokyo, Chiyoda-ku, Higashikanda 1-7-10 K1 Building 3F
 Tel. 03-5823-4190

Copyright (C) 2004 TBSL All rights reserved.