Project to Mark the 65th Anniversary
of the Foundation of the United Nations

on October 25th 2010 (confirmed)

A Special Ceremony Featuring Statements by Students and Ambassadors in the World
“For Eternal World Peace and Environmental Conservation EBR>

October, 2010

History of “The Blue Star of Life E/A>

(1) 1993: An original white porcelain globe named “The Star of Life Ewas created by a Japanese ceramic artist and exhibited at the G7 Summit in Tokyo.

(2) 1995: In the event to mark the 50th Anniversary of the Foundation of The United Nations, a blue porcelain globe-shaped pot named “The Blue Star of Life Ewas presented by courtesy of the Township of Tobe, Ehime Prefecture, Japan, to the European Headquarters of the United Nations, viz. Palais des Nations in Geneva, which is still placed in the lobby adjacent to the room once used for the meeting of the Conference on Disarmament.

(3) 2000: During the G7 Summit in Okinawa and Miyazaki, the ceremony took place to celebrate the 55th Anniversary of the Foundation of the United Nations by collecting pebbles from the G7 states as well as from other states and placing them inside “The Blue Star of Life Eas a prayer towards international peace and environmental protection.

(4) 2005: For the 60th Anniversary of the Foundation of the United Nations, pebbles collected from eight successive Prime Ministers of Japan as well as from other states were placed in the pot.

(5) 2010: The organizing committee proposes to hold a ceremony led by students or future leaders to mark the 65th Anniversary of the Foundation of the United Nations.

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