‡@‘˜A‰¢B–{•” –{•”’·‘ãs Ms. Charlotte L.WARAKAULLE, Chief of the Library and Chair of the Cultural
Activities Committee ‡A݃Wƒ…ƒl[ƒu“ú–{•{‘ã•\•” –ؖLŒöŽg Mr. Yutaka AOKI,Representative of the Permanent Mission of Japan
at Geneva ‡BƒJƒ“ƒ{ƒWƒA‘åŽg H.E. Mr. NEY, Permanent Representative of the Kingdom of Cambodia to the
International Organizations at Geneva ‡Cƒxƒgƒiƒ€‘åŽg H.E. Mr. NGUYEN Trung Thanh, Permanent Representative of the Socialist
Republic of Vietnam ‡DTBSL‘˜A–K–â’c’c’· Š¡“c‹g•v TBSL Delegation to the U.N. Mr. Yoshio KARITA
@ ‡BƒJƒ“ƒ{ƒWƒA‘åŽg
@ ‡DTBSL‘˜A–K–â’c’c’·
‡E–Ø‘º‰Ø“ÞŽq Miss Kanako KIMURA i“ú–{j ‡FMr. Enkhtsatsralt ENKHJARGAL iƒ‚ƒ“ƒSƒ‹j ‡GMr. Kalan BIRNIE iU.S.A. ƒnƒƒCj ‡HMr. Do Kyoung HEO iŠØ‘j ‡IMiss LIAO Weixuan i’†‘j ‡JMiss Dea Salsabila AMIRA iƒCƒ“ƒhƒlƒVƒAj ‡KŽ›”ö—•”T Miss Aino TERAO i“ú–{j ‡L‰–’J¹Žq Miss Masako SHIOYA i“ú–{j ‡MMr. PHAM Ming Thang iƒxƒgƒiƒ€j ‡NMr. LIM Ly Hong iƒJƒ“ƒ{ƒWƒAj ‡O΂̓Š“üŽ®